Our New Website — Dischell Bartle Dooley

Our New Website

September 22, 2021 • by Bob Iannozzi Jr.

The new DBD website is up, and early reviews are good. From the start, the objective was to create a more substantial and approachable online presence, which was more client-focused and genuinely practical than most typical law firm sites. I think we met our objective. For example: content on our new blog, The Scoop, covers everything from COVID-19 questions to Social Security Disability benefits, real estate issues to co-parenting support; even enlightening pieces where DBD attorneys share their insights on a variety of topics without holding back, including practice area lessons learned.

Another example is an exciting new feature: The Tip Jar, which makes your online experience with our website more tailored to your needs by helping you cost-effectively navigate the process of choosing an attorney – whether at DBD or any law firm. Two tip examples that you may want to check out are: "5 things you better ask before you hire a divorce attorney" and "3 ways to control the cost and speed of your legal matter." Not exactly the kind of advice most firms like to lead with, in such a public way, but that is who we are at DBD and we make you the priority.

Our new website is located at DBDlaw.com It is remarkably friendly for a law firm website, and we hope, more reassuring than intimidating. And the new triple entendre tagline, "Know. Better.", neatly captures the DBD spirit, particularly our commitment to the clients we serve and the local communities in which we live and work.

We invite you to take a tour, and tell us: what's good? What's not? Anything missing? We'd love to hear from you. Take a look.