DBD Family Law Paralegal Helps Form Family Law Paralegals Of Pennsylvania — Dischell Bartle Dooley

DBD Family Law Paralegal Helps Form Family Law Paralegals Of Pennsylvania

October 14, 2019 • By Lysa Schmitt

DBD paralegal Jennifer Echikson has been appointed to the Board of Directors and is the Membership Chairperson of the newly-formed Family Law Paralegals of Pennsylvania (FLPP).  FLPP formed on May 7, 2019 and was incorporated as a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation on August 16, 2019.  The organization consists of family law paralegals across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  FLPP aims to give family law paralegals the opportunity to make connections with others in the specialized field of family law and provide support to each other with regard to rules and procedures in counties in which they have had little experience.

If you are interested in connecting with other family law paralegals in order to find support and become more proficient in your field of practice, please feel free to contact Jenn at jechikson@dischellbartle.com for more information and to obtain a membership application.